Sunday, February 7, 2010

Most Gay Friendly Skiing Resort In The Alps Which Reserves Branch Of The Military Is Most Gay-friendly?

Which Reserves branch of the military is most gay-friendly? - most gay friendly skiing resort in the alps

I plan to help join the reserves of one of the military to pay for some of my 120K in student loan debt. The problem is that I am a gay man. Which part of the military reserve is the gay-friendly? I am currently in Southern California, and I want to stay here.


WB2003 said...

There's nothing like military gay to make. Furthermore, it is doubtful that will be parked in SoCal. Military branches are to send if you do, you're lucky in May on what they buy. However, you will see the world.
When they learn that you are gay, after entering you will receive a dishonorable radiation and no benefits, namely: money for college.

Dietrich... said...

The best Soloution your problem is to get into a support unit to. Devices that are not close to the grunts. Support units are the ones with the best results. Have, however, as already mentioned, that not a good idea if you are open. It is very difficult to be in the closet and BDU'd. At the suggestion of one of my friends in the civil ... It hangs with a guy (with full disclosure) which are not detected. Just a thought, and it is forbidden to them value. Good luck and if you choose to participate, good luck.

DKlyde said...

The Navy, duh!

MikeGolf said...

Looks like you are interested in participating for the wrong reason.

If your main goal is to serve his people - he hates his time in the army.

If you deployed to Iraq - What will you do? They complain? Try it? Or that the work they promised to do?

canada1u... said...

Will a Republican Congress

in_my_op... said...

Do not Ask, Do not Tell policy. Homosexuals are not allowed in the army to ensure the safety of that person. You can participate, you must say you are gay, but if a "homosexual act" to do so, while in the service you get on this and you do not and will not receive d 'money to pay the loan.

Nightrid... said...

No branch of the military allows gay. However, not all men are not gay service?. No

Since the completion of all branches of the reserves are is gay friendly.

You have the answer.

Now select the word you want to serve our nation.
Power for you.

Follow the example: the story of many presidents office to cheat on their wives. Except one who was caught with an intern in the fraud, the White House. Moral? In order not to be caught, however.

Gay in the military? But without getting caught.

michele g said...

Martha Stewart Royal, 10 Mountain Division, Richard Simmons, the joints of Elton John and the division of the Goat Taliban Backwards

Ms_Place... said...

None. Do not ask. Do not tell.

Nothing in the reserve, but otherwise, the Navy has been very discreet. Only not. Do not ask. Do not tell.

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